

【Twinmotion】Making Fan Turning Round and Round

When I make a presentation by movie, sometimes I want something like ceiling fan to turn round. Before you say "even if it is UE4...", I will show you an idea to make simple fan in Twinmotion.

【Twinmotion】How “SSGI” works?

Although I heard that Twinmotion 2020 adopted new SSGI method, what's that? So I validated it comparing with ver. 2019.

【Twinmotion】Making Original Materials

Here is an example of how to make your own original material textures, just in case you want to express a texture that is not in the Twinmotion presets.

【Twinmotion】Making Curved Indirect Light using “Replace object”

Twinmotion have assets of point light and line light, but do not have curved line light. Here I will show you an example to make curved indirect light using a function "Replace object".

【Twinmotion】Redusing Moire Flicker on Louvers

When we make a movie of some architecture, we can often see moire flicker on the louvers. Here I will show 2 ways to reduce the flicker noise.

【Twinmotion】Customizing the Background

In Twinmotion, we can change background image, although it is difficult to change sky color as you wish. Here I will show you a solution.

【Twinmotion】How “Max reflection (Refinement)” works?

You can see "Max reflection" in export setting. Even though you set "On", images are not changed well in many cases. There must be a lot of people who are thinking "I can not understand this function".

【Twinmotion/SketchUp】About Importing Models

When you import models in Twinmotion, "Collapse by material" will be selected by default. What does it mean? I will show you how it works.

【Twinmotion】Let’s start to render!

After you make 3D models by SketchUp or other softwares, let's render by Twinmotion! Here I will show you about a workflow from first-launch to output an image file.

【Twinmotion】Rendering from Eye Level

How we can render images from eye level?